Kimberli Bar

Country club

city: Kyiv, Ukraine
function: bar/jewelry showroom 
area: 200 m²
adjacent territory: 100 m²
status: implemented in 2021
team: Mykyta Shalennyi, Andriy Horbunov, Olesia Sandrkina, Yulia Markova, Roksolana Chudnivets

We got a request to create a bar and a jewelry showroom in one location. The concept of the project was developed by RGB IDEA GROUP. Today that is extremely popular and in demand when two businesses not dependent on and not related to each other directly help each other settle their commercial assignments. We decided to mix the bar and the showroom together and to place display windows in the sitting area of the bar, for the guests coming to the bar to see the display windows in an unobtrusive way, with their peripheral vision, to be able to drink, communicate and, if they want, to do shopping. CAMPARI brand has acted as the partner of the bar. We used elements of their company colors to emphasize this brand.

Construction works in the premises of the former Arsenal plant built in 1764 were an interesting and, at the same time, complex task for us. We faced the situation when we needed to restore the initial cladding impeccably performed by old masters. Unfortunately, in the Soviet times the walls were highly damaged, and we had to spend several months to restore the ancient arches and vaults. Soviet industrial equipment left half-meter-long trenches in the floor. We used them successfully to lay the ventilation wiring, and this allowed us to avoid massive air ducts on ceiling vaults.

In the course of construction we passed a joint decision to enlarge the kitchen, which fact led to the appearance of additional engineering tasks. We ordered all décor elements abroad from large manufactures, and we spent some four months on coordination and compilation of terms of references for contractors. In total, one year was spent on designing and construction.