
Country club

city: Dnipro, Ukraine
function: restaurant/motor cycle detailing studio 
area: 300 m²
adjacent territory: 400 m²
status: implemented in 2021
team: Mykyta Shalennyi, Olesia Sandrkina, Yulia Markova, Anna Skachkova, Katia Korol, Roman Martyniuk, Borys Siryk

The Heirs is a modern and, at the same time, vintage space where everything is permeated with the biker movement culture. That is a sort of bikers’ encyclopaedia, a museum, but you cannot touch anything in a museum, while here you can touch and test everything. That is also a live workshop where the guests of the restaurant immerse into the live process of motor cycle repairs. The Heirs is the enclave, the territory of freedom, we get from the residential area of the left-bank Dnipro to a different reality, to the “shipyards” of Copenhagen or Antwerp, where old warehousing facilities have been reformatted into galleries, cafes, etc.

We have collected in one place a detailing studio for vintage motor cycles, a bar, a restaurant, and a tattoo saloon. As the result, we have got a unique bike spot.

In this project Bro Bureau has used many items of individual production. We have developed lamps, furniture for detailing, tables, drawers, cabinets, bar décor, sanitation appliances, bathroom décor, model of the first vintage Harley Davidson. We have also create a unique sculpture (the center of the bar composition) for which Dasha Astafjeva was the model. Dasha agreed to pose, and afterwards the sculptor manually produced the sculpture in the scale of 1:1.